
Monday, August 25

Runways of Milan? Nah, try the interstate through Ashville!
It's funny, this cycle of fashion thing. It was the early eighties and I wished with all my might that I had enough money to buy a baseball hat that had fabric all the way around. But alas, all I had was the kind with the plastic mesh on the back. It felt like I was the last boy on the planet that didn't have the "cool" hat. Now, 20 years later, struck stop found a crap load of the mesh hats in a Stuckey's truckstop warehouse and somehow they made it back in fashion. Hmm, I think I saw some brock-a-brellas at the Dollar Store!

would you believe that on the entire web, there was no picture of a brock-a-bella. And yes, I did see them at the dollar store. Email me if you want to know which one.

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