
pass the kleenex

Normally, during films that are tearjerkers, I scoff at my wife when she blubbers uncontrollably. Not necessarily because I don't think it is sad, and not because I wouldn't tear up if I watched it alone. In fact, I remember watching ET for the first time at the Brentwood Cinema at 10 years old. When ET is dying I distinctly remember blubbering myself and continuously wiping my snot and tears on my read scotch plaid flannel shirt, yet trying to hide my sensitive side from Sarah Wilson and Daniel Riles sitting on either side of me. But as an adult, when other's around, I'm filled with macho testoserone that doesn't allow crying at movies. Strange coming from a not so macho dude.
But, during our most recent family movie night, we watched Black Beauty. Now, when a six year old who normally only cries when hurt or extrememly tired, bawls like her mother due to a sad movie, it breaks my heart...bringing on a salty discharge of my own.

1 comment:

stlbanjo said...

Hey Dan,

I just saw this when googling myself. Did you really try to hide your sensitive side? Did I discourage your sharing? I always thought that we were both not of the big macho crowd. I am sorry if I did.
