

Your senses are amazing. They can trigger memories that have been long buried in cortex membrane. Somehow the smell enters you sinus cavity, triggers your smell smellers, then through nano eletrical pulses, it brings back a memory.

For example, whenever I pass a dumpster in an alley that is filled with food reminants with a strange liquid oozing out of the rusted corners, I instantly am reminded of a 6 month stint in Mexico City when I was wee lad. Smell, now that's pretty obvious.

Lets talk now about hearing. I've witnessed that some songs can do the same thing. Not only triggering a time and place, but the finest details too.

here's an example:
whenever I hear Don't Worry, Be Happy I flash back to summer of 1988 when I had a 1973 VW Bug - Yellow, I was parked in front of my house facing North. I was wearing a long sleeve striped shirt and orange shorts. I was being engenius [or so I thought] by taking my boombox speakers and wiring them directly to the car stereo. When the wires were eventually correctly attached, this was the song that played.

this I remember, but your birthday I forget....strange.

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