
Manny Quinn

I found myself being vocally critical of my 15 year old niece's movie choices. She goes to the movies every weekend with her friends and they see whatever is the crappiest movie out there (unintentionally). Instead of Narnia, they see Saw 2. Mid-sentence of grilling her, I paused, remembering that Bennett Leiberman, Chris McConaghy and I paid to see Mannequin when we were that age...Oh, that Meshach Taylor is a stitch! It was also entertaining when standing in line, Bennett asked for one ticket for MannaQuinn (QU- like QUick).

I ended the conversation with a sincere "have a good time Katherine, seeing whatever you want to see." And I meant it.


KELLY said...

Bennett Leiberman?

Are you from St. Louis by any chance? I once knew a Bennett Leiberman there.

dan said...
